Frequently asked questions
These FAQs are designed to help you support you and your child in making a more informed decision about applying to study at ¿ì²¥³ÉÈËÍø.
How is college life different from school?
Your child will be treated as an adult and given support to prepare them for independent study. They will have free time, where they will be expected to undertake independent study and completion of course work.
At ¿ì²¥³ÉÈËÍø we offer a wide range of vocational courses that give students the skills to progress to university or succeed in the workplace. Students on courses related to specific careers will benefit from working on real-life projects, with interaction with employers coming into centre, as well as visits to places of work to get a more rounded view of the expectations of the working environment.
Is college five days a week?
Students do not necessarily attend college every day of the week. Some courses require four or five days of attendance at college while others require less. Students must attend all lessons on their individual timetables.
We support our students in every way that we can, and we also help them to develop a level of independent study that will help them to progress. Most students will not have lessons all day every day, as they did at school but there are places to study and complete assignments on centre between lessons.
Just like at school, our students are expected to attend all their lessons, and arrive on time, every time, with everything they need for their lesson.
What is the dress code?
Students do not wear a uniform, but they are expected to wear clothing appropriate to their course.
It is important that students consider carefully what they wear, to make sure that it is appropriate for the activities they are taking participating in, and so as not to cause offence to others.
How is their timetable structured?
Most 16–18-year-olds take a full vocational qualification (like a BTEC or T Level) plus English and maths,
If a student has English and/or maths on their timetable, they MUST attend these lessons. This is as important as their main qualification and crucial for their future success in work or at university.
Many students also take part in enrichment activities outside of their main course as well as having opportunities to undertake visits to employers to find out more about the world of work and employer expectations.
What Additional Learning Support is available?
Please see our Additional Learning Support page for more information.
What financial support is available?
Funds are allocated to students needing support with materials and other educational costs. Please visit out 16-18 Financial Support page to find out more here.
What if my child does not get the grades they were expecting?
Do not panic! They will still have a place at the college. When your student comes into college to enrol, we will sit down with them and look at their results. If they have not achieved the entry requirements for the course they applied to, we will discuss alternative choices and help find the right course for them.
What happens if my child feels they have made the wrong choice of course?
If we, or they, realise during the first four weeks that they are not on the right study programme for them, our team will immediately work with them to explore other options available here at ¿ì²¥³ÉÈËÍø.
How do I know that my child is safe at college?
We have experienced safeguarding leads and dedicated security staff who ensure that all students study in a safe environment. Entry to the centres is only permitted with a college ID card. Every staff member is trained in safeguarding young people and vulnerable adults.
How will I know how my child is progressing after they start?
We invite you to attend our parents’ evenings during the academic year. These evenings provide a valuable opportunity for you to find out how your child is progressing with their studies. We will also share with you the expectations we have of our students to ensure we work together to help your child succeed.